


  FRM考试费用采取"Early Bird",越早报名越便宜.建议大家尽早报名!2017年11月份FRM报名时间从5月1日开始,请各位考友悉知!

  Benefits of FRM Certification(FRM证书的优势)
  Here are some reasons why you should consider obtaining your FRM...
  1、You will be recognized across the globe as a leader in financial risk management
  2、You will be more desirable to executive recruiters and hiring managers since they are now seeking FRM holders for senior risk management jobs more than ever before
  3、The FRM professional certification differentiates you from your peers
  4、Studying the broad concepts underlying risk management in today's dynamic market environment will give you a holistic view and appreciation for the role risk management plays in an enterprise

  全球95%FRM考生都在用:2017-2018FRM最完整资料下载即可 (资料包含FRM必考点总结,提升备考效率,加分必备).
  5、Provides you with the feeling of personal achievement and the satisfaction of conquering an exam developed by the best risk management practitioners in the world
  6、Objectively benchmarks your knowledge of the major strategic disciplines of financial risk management:
  Market Risk(市场风险)
  Credit Risk(信用风险)
  Operational Risk(业务风险)
  Risk Management in Investment Management(投资管理中的风险管理)
  7、Allows you to join an elite group of 13,685 FRMs across the globe with the only risk management certification recognized worldwide
  8、Expands your personal and professional opportunities within the world of finance
  9、Provides you with the ability to network with some of the world's leading financial risk management professionals


上一篇:身为一个已经工作的人,在选择考FRM合适吗?   下一篇:2017年FRM一级网课视频哪里有?